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Weapons Permits


New Weapon Permit Law: HF756 is in effect as of July 1, 2021. Please visit the Iowa Department of Public Safety website for basic information and additional resources.

If any portion of the State of Iowa applications for carry or purchase are incorrectly filled out or left blank, the process will be terminated and the applicant will be required to reapply. This will include any missing or incorrect information, to include, legible copies of training certificates and identification. Please read the following information carefully.

Applicants must show proof that they have met the requirements set forth in Iowa Code Chapter 724, before receiving a permit.

Summary of Iowa Code Chapter 724:

  1. Applicants must show proper identification.
  2. Applicants must apply for a permit to the Sheriff of the county in which the applicant resides.
  3. Applicants must have completed required training.
  4. Applicants will pay the required fee at the time the application is made. Carry permits are $50 for new permits and $25 for renewals and duplicates. Permits to Acquire (purchase only) are $25, and duplicate permits are $15.00. Payment is by cash, check or card via GovPayNet
  5. Applications can be done in person at the Sheriff's office. 

Application Procedure

  1. Download, print and fill out the appropriate application listed below. Fill in all blanks thoroughly. Females, include your maiden name and any other married names you may have used. Failure to complete the form will result in termination of the application process.
  2. Attach a legible copy of your firearms training certification for carry permits only.
  3. Attach a legible copy of your Iowa Driver's License or Iowa Non-Driver Identification. The address on the DL or Non-Driver ID must have your current address.
  4. E-mail the application, copy of your firearms training certification, Iowa Driver's License or Iowa Non-Driver I.D. to [email protected].
  5. Payment for either application can be made via GovPayNet or by leaving the application and payment in the drop box located outside the courthouse.
  6. Applications with checks can be mailed to:
    Guthrie County Sheriff's Office
    200 North 5th St.
    Guthrie Center, Iowa 50115x

Please allow 3 weeks for the purchase permits and permits to carry to be printed and mailed to applicant. The Sheriff’s Office will notify the applicant if an application is denied. If the permit is not received in 3 weeks, contact the Sheriff’s Office so they can follow up on the printing and mailing process.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact our office at 641-747-2214.

Permit to Acquire Pistol or Revolver

Permit to Carry Weapons

A professional carry permit also requires an employer's authorization on the application, along with a letter on company letterhead stating they are employed with that company and requests the individual to carry a weapon while on duty.

When making application for a carry permit, it is not necessary to make application for a purchase permit. The carry permit acts as the purchase permit.

Tips for Possessing/Carrying a Weapon

  • Permit holders are strongly encouraged to safely conceal their weapons versus carrying in the open or plain view.
  • At the onset of any contact with law enforcement, immediately notify the deputy/officer(s) that you have a permit to carry and you are armed.
  • A permit holder is required by law to carry their permit while armed by State Code of Iowa 724.5.
  • Prior to traveling across state lines, familiarize yourself with the laws of the state you intend to pass through and enter. Iowa recognizes and honors weapon permits from other states, but in many other states there is no such reciprocity.
  • Weapon possession/use is prohibited while a person is impaired by alcohol and/or drugs by State Code of Iowa 724.4C.
  • Permit holders may possess weapons in vehicles but not while riding on an ATV or snowmobile.
  • Contact the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for specific inquiries regarding hunting.
  • Private establishments may post signs prohibiting weapons on their premises.
  • Permit holders may not carry on school grounds.
  • Permit holders are strongly encouraged to gain proficiency with the weapon they carry (to include shooting accuracy, weapon safety, and justification in the use of deadly force.

For additional information and frequently asked questions about the recent changes in the laws, please visit the Iowa Department of Public Safety website.

County Courthouse

200 N. 5th St.
Guthrie Center, IA
Contact Us

Courthouse Hours

M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed Holidays
Department Hours May Vary