Burial Assistance
Burial assistance available through the Guthrie County General Relief program is intended to help cover costs of funeral home services associated with burial or cremation, for those eligible.
Guthrie County General Relief will pay up to $1,000 for burial or cremation expenses if the deceased person and cost of services meets eligibilty. Guthrie County Veterans Affairs will pay up to $1,000 if deceased person meets eligibility.
Eligibility Guidelines
- The deceased must be a resident of Guthrie County (minimum one year.) If deceased is a non-resident transient person, the maximum that can be paid is $250.00, as per Iowa Code, Section 252.27.
- The income of the surviving spouse must be within General Relief or Veterans Affairs county program guidelines.
- The deceased must have no real estate property in his/her name.
- The deceased must have no life insurance, including benevolent.
- The deceased must have no burial fund.
The Director and the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to disallow a claim or ask for reimbursement on behalf of the deceased if application is found ineligible.
Nothing in this policy shall be construed as attempting to limit or regulate the type or nature of the services provided by a funeral home. The type and nature of church or burial services, the specific arrangements for each funeral, and the extent of services or visitations shall remain within the discretion of each funeral home and the individual family members.
An application for assistance must be completed, signed and submitted to the Guthrie County General Relief Director by the surviving spouse or next of kin. Application may be made by the funeral home director in the absence of any other responsible party.
Assistance must be authorized at the time of death, and before burial or cremation to be eligible. No payment will be made without prior approval.
All available resources must be taken into consideration and may be deducted from the assistance amount, including but not limited to:
- Deceased person’s bank accounts, including savings, checking, bonds, etc.
- Any and all funds generated from memorials must be deducted from the amount of assistance received and funeral home must show the total memorial contributions on invoice.
- Any death benefit from employer, pension plan, VA burial benefits, Social Security, etc must be disclosed and subtracted from the assistance amount.
If the family of the deceased discovers a death benefit, savings account, or other financial resource after the funeral, they are expected to notify the county and the funeral home.