Welcome to the new Guthrie County Website!
Dust Control
How do I apply for dust control?
Residents are instructed to contact dust control vendors directly. Questions regarding dust control and the material used should be directed to the vendor. Guthrie County will not guarantee the effectiveness of the dust control, and any complaints regarding the quality of the product should be addressed to the vendor that has been selected. Marking flags for some vendors may be picked up from the County Engineer’s Office.
Do you ever blade over dust control?
We try to leave dust control applied areas alone, however, the county reserves the right to blade the road to ensure the safety and integrity of the road.
Snow Removal
How do you decide if crews will conduct snow removal outside of normal hours of operation?
County staff monitor weather through a variety of tools including driving the roadways for determining call out needs.
What are the hours of operation for snow removal?
Normal operating hours are Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. These hours may be extended to 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. including weekends and holidays.
However, Guthrie Couty will respond to all “Emergency” situations deemed as such by the Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office. If you feel you are in an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
When will my road be plowed?
Guthrie County services paved roads in its primary efforts and unpaved (gravel) secondarily. All applicable parts of the roadway system are plowed in the most efficient and effective way possible. This may mean that snow removal events may start and stop in the same location as previous events.
Why is it taking so long to get a path cleared?
Restoring access on gravel roads can be a slow process. Motor graders are not built for speed. Our operators have approximately 75 center line miles in each of their routes. Although we try to get everyone out as quickly and safely as possible, in the aftermath of a severe storm, it is possible that graders can’t cover their entire area until the second-or-third day. Homeowners are encouraged to plan accordingly.
In case of an emergency situation, please dial 9-1-1.
If there is an emergency and the roads aren’t clear, what should I do?
Should you find yourself in an emergency, you should dial 91, not the Guthrie County Roads Department. If Fire/EMS need assistance getting to your location, dispatch will reach out to the County Engineer for coordination.
The post office will not deliver my mail because of the snow in front of my mailbox. Will the county remove this snow?
No. Property owners are responsible for maintaining access to mailboxes.
The county pushed snow into my driveway. Will the county remove snow from my driveway?
Snow removal operations may result in snow being deposited into private drives. The county is not responsible for clearing out private driveways, and the snow removed from the driveways shall not be placed back onto the roadways or shoulders.
Other Questions
How can I get notifications on road closures and construction projects?
You may register online to receive notifications of road closures.
How can I add a new or extend an existing driveway or field entrance?
Visit our permits page. This will take you to the online application for the permits. Work shall not start on an entrance or modification of an entrance until the permit has been reviewed and approved by the office of the Guthrie County Engineer.
Additionally, there are flags located in the Engineer’s Office. You can use these to stake about where you would like your driveway to be.
Does the county provide culverts for driveways and field extensions? Also, does the county construct the new driveway or extension/widening?
- Guthrie County can supply the pipe. They are sold at our cost of purchase.
- No, Guthrie County does not perform any work on entrances that are new or being widened. The landowner/applicant will perform all work with county staff inspecting for proper construction.
Who do I need to contact if I would like to build a house or have zoning questions?
Chris Whitaker, Guthrie County Zoning Administrator/Region XII Council of Governments
Why does the County mow and/or trim trees in front of my house?
The County mows and clears brush in order to maintain sight distance, vegetation management, reduce shaded roadways, removal of snow traps, and maintain clear zones. The County will not mow on any personal property; only the right-of-way.
Guthrie County possesses or holds easement in order to maintain roadways for public usage. This amount of right of way varies from road to road. This information is kept on file at the Engineer’s Office. Landowners may not place, or cause to be placed, an obstruction within any county right of way per Iowa Code.