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County Maps

From the beginning of the E911 system one of the goals was to have an excellent map system. The County has partnered with a company, Hansen’s M & M Services, in Audubon that developed the original maps (under a former owner) and has maintained the maps since then. Also, this company is the mapping company for the seven-county South Central Iowa Regional E911 Board of which Guthrie County is a member.

There are three basic rural maps. Maps are maintained for the County, one for Lake Panorama, and one for Lake Diamondhead. This department notifies the map company of any new address, deleted address, any road change, etc. The map is then updated the day of the notification. Thus any map printed after that date will have the change on it. This keeps the maps current at all times.

Maps also have other things on them. County parks, areas such as Lakin Slough, the bike trail route, and other major utility lines are in the system. These maps are generated in multiple colors with a legend to show what these colors indicate.

The great thing about the system is that M &M can produce maps of various sizes from quite large to very small. Details vary of course at the different sizes. Also, on special request the map can be set to show whatever details a person wishes and to delete things that are not of interest. As an example, a map could be ordered that would not show anyone’s specific address (just a line where the residence is) to provide a map that’s uncluttered if one wanted to draw or write on the map.

This department keeps a small number of maps of several sizes on hand. By only keeping a couple of each kind, the maps are always quite current on any changes made. Prices range from as low as $2.00 to up to $27.00 or more depending on the size of the map and what specialty type of map you might want. Contact this department to either get a map or to check on a special order. Also, those wanting a Lake Panorama map can contact the Lake Panorama Association office. We keep a couple of maps there for sale at all times at a price of $27.00 for this approximately 3’ x 4’ color map.

Further, in the last two years the Regional E911 Board has developed city maps. These are very detailed maps (in color) that were developed with review and evaluation by each town in the County. These maps are updated by each City Clerk notifying Hansen’s M & M Services of all address changes, etc. Although we do not keep extra copies of these city maps, we can get any city map needed within a few days through Hansen’s M & M Services. We do keep one set of maps at all times and anyone could come in to look at them at any time the Courthouse is open and we are in.

Last updated: February 2016

County Courthouse

200 N. 5th St.
Guthrie Center, IA
Contact Us

Courthouse Hours

M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed Holidays
Department Hours May Vary